rpiz.com - About This Site

Welcome to rpiz.com.

Here you will find various articles and tutorials that I've created and personally useful. Originally, this site was powered by a Wiki but I got fed up with all of the spam bots and hack attempts, so I've converted it into a custom solution.

Please find links to the available articles below or in the menu to the left.


  • .NET/C# DHCP Offer Monitor

  • A C# executable that will report any DHCP offers returned from a broadcast.


  • Setting Up LAMP From Source Code - Debian

  • A guide to compiling/configuring Apache2, MySQL and PHP from source code on Debian Linux.

  • Setting Up LAMP From Source Code - Fedora

  • A guide to compiling/configuring Apache2, MySQL and PHP from source code on Fedora Linux.


  • I can be reached at: rp [at] rpiz.com